Everyone has a good pair of jeans laying around in their closet. But what do we search for when picking a new pair?
Today we would like to focus on the quality of our jeans! Therefore, we asked our denim mastermind Dion, who is behind the product development and operations, a couple of questions and found out what makes MUD Jeans stand out from others.

What do you, as a denim expert, pay attention to when picking a new pair of jeans?
Workmanship, weight and feel of the fabric are the initial aspects I look at. And – in case the jeans is treated – the authenticity of the wash and treatments.
What inspires you when you create new models for MUD Jeans?
The inspiration is taken from the mix of esthetics, technique and circularity; reaching maximal quality with minimal environmental impact.
Who should take responsibility?
Brands and suppliers should be able to educate consumers. It’s obvious that the industry should continuously work on innovatons and sustainable solutions. But ultimately, the consumer must choose for the right product. Brands and suppliers have a task to provide them the correct info.
What are your dreams when it comes to denim?
Circular (cradle to cradle) jeans, made out of 100% recycled cotton is the ultimate objective. We will be able to re-use 100% of the fibers into new garments. The question is not “if” but “when”…

What distinguishes MUD Jeans from other average jeans?
- Stitching
The number of stitches per centimeter in MUD Jeans are higher than in the average pair of jeans. This and felled seams at yoke requires more time and skill but guarantees a stronger seam that expands the lifetime of your jeans. MUD Jeans’ stitch lines are straight and not broken thanks to the highest standards and quality workmanship in one of our factories, Yousstex.
- Fabrics
The fabrics used for MUD Jeans are produced by premium denim mills from the Mediterranean, namely: Orta from Turkey, DNM from Egypt and Royo from Spain. Our fabrics contain cotton and, in some cases, 1% elastane and no polyester.
What would be the biggest step towards a sustainable fashion industry?
When consumers realize that cheap and fast fashion is thinking short-term and harmful to our world.
Which is your favorite MUD Jeans model?
Slim Lassen in Stone Black for men and Regular Swan in Strong Blue for women.