Another inspiring story.
This time about how to minimalize your life. Because a minimal lifestyle means more meaning in your life. Read more about capsule wardrobes and second hand toys!
I am An, I have a daughter of one year old and tell stories via the @deminimamalist. For me minimalism means more than just a hype, it is a way of life that feels good and that I switched to after a burn-out. It is means more then living with less ‘things’, it is about a focus in life that learn you to eliminate everything that makes you unhappy. Or, put it like this: with every decision you make, you think about whether it will add to your happiness. If things don’t give you a positive feeling than it is a matter to say not to things. No to appointments, no to ‘stuff’, no to unhealthy food. Clean up, make room in your mind. By living this way, only the things that really matter are left. The things that make you happy. This gives a feeling of satisfaction.

We try to teach our children (5), (4), (1) this minimal lifestyle too by creating capsule wardrobes for them. A sustainable wardrobe with a maximum of 23 items including jacket and shoes. Apart from that they have little toys; this triggers their creativity. They are stimulated to use their fantasy. The toys they play with are all from sustainable brands so it lasts long, like wooden blocks or we purchase things second hand. Of course we often borrow toys from friends or family in order to not purchase too many new items. It saves money, and is better for the environment because you cut down of resource usage. We find it important that our children, even though they are still very small, learn that happiness doesn’t comes from ‘things’ but from who you are as a person.

We are convinced that a minimal lifestyle is possible for everyone, because you an decide how far you want to take it. Every step along this route counts. A free ‘nee | nee sticker’ on your mailbox for example or unsubscribing from newsletters of webshops to avoid the seduction to buy new items already helps! And think small, start every day with taking a look at a different drawer in your home and take the things you no longer use and bring them to a second hand shop or ‘Kringloop’.

We call our lifestyle sustainable minimalism. We purchase our clothing from sustainable brands, like Organic Basics, Carlijnq, Bobo Choses and now wear MUD Jeans. Also, we buy second hand and love to look at #instagramkoopjeshoek and do clothing swaps with friends. The boots from your niece could look perfect on your daughter!
We would like to give you a last tip, something to do daily: write down 3 things in your life you are grateful for. For example; the sun that shines, the smell or fresh wash, a kiss of your child. This way you practice to be grateful for the small things in life. It will give your life more meaning. Reference of this tip: Duizendmaal dank van Ann Voskamp of Dankboek van Ernst-Jan Pfauth.