[[ROW-INTRO]]Last year we made a commitment as a company: To educate ourselves and deepen our understanding of structural racism, diversity and inclusivity in order to create a more just & inclusive company.[[ROW-INTRO-END]]

Our commitments included:
  • Having more open conversations about structural racism within our company and with our B Corp community

  • Including the topic of inclusivity and discrimination in the employee satisfaction survey we are currently developing

  • Make inclusivity and systemic racism part of our annual sustainability report, allowing us to discuss, asses, an evaluate our efforts

  • Diversifying our choice of models and collaboration partners in terms of ethnicity, body type and age.

Ever since we’ve been part of the Pro Inclusion & Anti Racism working group within our B Corp community. Its goal is to make the Benelux B Corp Community reflective of society, by integrating initiatives that make real, lasting change. As a dedicated member we are learning about the issues that lead to unbalanced working environments, find solutions, apply changes, and of course share our learnings to create positive impact that goes beyond our company.

That’s why we’re cordially inviting you to watch the working group’s first public workshop about what it takes to promote and commit to diversity and inclusion: Unlearning and Relearning for JEDI


What is JEDI?

Justice: Breaking down the barriers to resources & opportunities so individuals and communities have access to the same opportunities. Simply put it’s about what is right and saying goodbye to -ism’s: racism, classism, sexism etc.

Equity: Recognizing that based on individual circumstances different people need different resources and opportunities to reach the same outcome. Equity will ultimately lead to Equality.

Diversity: The differences between individuals based on race, gender, age, sexuality, ability, background, … that might lead to an individual being at an advantage or disadvantage over others.

Inclusion: Creating a sense of belonging by embracing voices & perspectives of each member of a community. As the saying goes: ‘If diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance’



If you're interested in finding actionable points that can move a company towards a more just and equitable work environment watch the B Lab’s Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion - Ellonda L Williams, Tony's Chocolonely's Head of Culture - Dr. Marcia Goddard and B Leader and Head of Strategic Partnerships at Girls Are Awesome - Thandi Dyani.


PS: To find out how we’ve progressed on last years’ commitments, stay tuned for our sustainability report coming out this May.

Nina Steinlechner