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Turning Black Friday Blue:
Buy Vintage Jeans


There are plenty of good reasons for not being part of Black Friday. With all its over the top discount hysteria, it's a day that helps very few and harms a lot more - be it in social, ecological or economic terms. We've no desire to support this kind of frenzied consumerism, either as producers or personally as consumers.

And on this day, that's precisely why we – a handful of like-minded brands – are not just saying no, but standing together. We'll be fielding various initiatives and constructive actions for fair and sustainable ways of doing business and consuming, including: Freitag, RAEBURN, ASKET, Flamingos life, Soeder, Secrid, Oy, Brompton. Thanks for saying no and spreading the word. #noblackfriday

The bag makers at FREITAG are closing their online store and getting people to swap bags instead.

The Denim experts from MUD Jeans close their online store and sell vintage jeans via a livestream instead.

ASKET, the wardrobe essentials brand, will be shutting down their website, instead encouraging followers to care, repair and revive.

RÆBURN, known for their responsible and intelligent fashion design, are disabling their online store and offering an in-store repair service.

Flamingos life, known for their vegan sneakers, are likewise closing their online store for the day.

The soapmakers at Soeder arecalling on their customers to refill without waste.

Secrid, the cardprotector inventors, are offering their customers a free repair service at their Brandstore.

The sustainable surf and yoga clothing pros, Oy, are also closing their online store and calling for donations instead.

The folding bike pioneerBromptonis offering a free bike hire in the UK to encourage riding instead of spending.