Meeting up with our friends, family and neighbors.
Last Thursday we invited friends, family and neighbors to celebrate in our new home. After painting, moving, rebuilding and finally finding our beautiful couch, we opened our doors for the community. They were the first to see the place we spent so much time in and to see our new in-office ‘showroom’ unveiled.

Our new office
In a casual morning filled with coffee, jeans & pepernoten we officially opened the MUD Office. We gave a little behind-the-scenes tour. It was quite special to be surrounded by all those people who have given us so much trust and energy the past year.
This new office is a concrete representation of what we value: openness, to experiment and collaboration. The open space makes it possible to interact with a lot of people, and yet there are all these different small corners and areas where you can work more privately. We created the perfect office for ourselves.

This festive morning the coffee was provided by our dear friends at Moyee Coffee. Thanks for your baristaskills, Evelien. For food we turned to the sweet Kim and Evi who made many apple pies, you go girls! Emiel from Nutorious Peanutbutter provided us with a nice peanutbutter tasting. We still enjoy your ‘white pepper peanutbutter’ at our daily lunch. Frecious treated us with some nice slowjuices, 100% raw and delicious.
A big thanks to you all. And a special thanks to Charles Ruys who made amazing pictures that do justice to our new place. Check out some of his pictures below!